RESILFOR (REstoring SILver-fir FORest)
LIFE08 NAT /IT/000371
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Tree-ring growth of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in two stands under different silvicultural systems in central Italy - Maria Chiara Manetti, Andrea Cutini

A preliminary analysis was made of growth trends in two silver fir forests in the Apennines in central Italy. The forests are closely located but were managed differently in the past. The aim was to verify the climatic variation over time, the influence of extreme events on radial growth and the role of silvicultural systems in defining growth response.
The  two  forests  have  distinct  structures  due  to  differing  past  silvicultural  management.  The  Camaldoli  Forest, containing one-storeyed, evenaged, pure silver fir stands, was essentially managed in the past for wood production and featured high plantation density, low to moderate thinning, and clear cutting every 80–100 years. The La Verna Forest includes multi-layered, unevenaged stands that are mixed in with beech and other broadleaves. Increment cores were collected from aged dominant and healthy trees in the two forests. Climatic data were taken from the Camaldoli station and covers the period 1885–1994. All the analysed dendroecological parameters displayed similar patterns and indicated suitable site conditions for the silver fir. Silvicultural systems played an important role in defining growth pattern and rate. In the evenaged system there were higher growth rates and a greater number of pointer years, whereas there were lower growth rates and long, homogeneous development stages in the semi-natural conditions of La Verna.
A rising growth trend recorded in the last three decades in both series could be explained by the consistent extension of the growing season due to a significant increase of mean spring and autumn temperatures. No correlation was found with precipitation while significant correlations were found between tree ring growth and February, April and August temperatures. Preliminary results indicated that the silvicultural system does not bias, but just enhances the ability of the species to record the effects of disturbing factors.

Keywords: Abies alba; Evenaged and unevenaged structure; Silviculture; Tree ring analysis; Climate


Dimensione 228.49 KB
Downloads 1735
Lingua Italian
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Creato 2011-04-07
Creato da admin
Modificato il 2011-04-07
Modificato da admin


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